Democrats Plan To Nominate Hillary Clinton In 2024, Commentator Claims

President Joe Biden's approval rating has plunged, as he appears unable to tackle the challenges his government is facing both at home and abroad.

Polls also show that most Americans believe Biden will not — and should not — run for reelection in 2024, even though he has repeatedly said he plans to.

But who would Democrats nominate instead of Biden? Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, according to one commentator.

Replacing Biden

Speaking with the London-based GB News, political commentator Paul Duddridge said powerful Democratic Party insiders are deeply unhappy with Biden and looking for alternatives.

"The word I get from my impeccable sources in D.C. is that this really is just window-dressing now because the search for the next leader is well under way," Duddridge claimed.

"It is now just a matter of sending Biden out there on these foreign ventures, literally reading off an autocue and having him meet world leaders. His role is now performative. He really isn't achieving anything," he added.

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Duddridge opined that Biden would have "already stepped down" if the midterm elections weren't around the corner.

"I thought he probably would have already stepped down or been replaced by now — but they have to hold on until after November," Duddridge said.

"If they're going to replace him soon, it won't be until after November," he stressed.

For the time being, the Republican Party seems poised to win seats in both the House and the Senate.

Enter Clinton

Duddridge said he believes there is a good chance Biden steps down after the midterms. By order of succession, Vice President Kamala Harris would take over if that happened.

However, according to Duddridge, it is Clinton who would ultimately take over.

"I am saying Hillary as a comeback for 2024. In the background of the Democratic Party, they are already queuing up — the next candidate. I think it's Hillary Clinton if the full plan takes place – but I think we're looking at Kamala being wheeled in as U.S. President after the mid-term elections."Clinton 2024

Clinton has said she has no interest in running for president again, but that hasn't stopped Washington insiders from speculating about that possibility.

As CNN reported, a number of prominent pundits and analysts have already made the case for Clinton 2024.

For example, Juan Williams wrote in a column that only Clinton could unite the Democratic Party, while John Ellis argued that Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade has paved the way for the former secretary of state to announce her candidacy.

The Inquisitr


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