Donald Trump Reportedly Skipped Meeting With World Leaders On Pandemic Preparedness, Went Golfing Instead

Donald Trump hits a golf ball on his course.

Donald Trump skipped out on a meeting of world leaders discussing pandemic preparedness and hit the golf course instead, a new report claims.

The meeting took place during this weekend’s G-20 summit, where leaders from the world’s top countries discussed the worldwide pandemic. As CNN reported, Trump did not seem overly interested in participating Saturday’s summit, which was held virtually as countries around the globe have placed new restrictions in order to slow the spread of coronavirus. As the report noted, he tweeted during the opening session and later skipped a conference focused on the coronavirus, instead heading out to his company’s golf course.

CNN noted that it was unclear throughout the week whether the soon-to-be former U.S. president would event take part in the virtual G-20 summit, but on Friday evening the White House released a schedule showing he was set to participate.

That participation did not last long, CNN reported.

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