How Simone Biles Managed Her Mental Health Struggles

Simone Biles is regarded as the most decorated gymnast in history with 32 Olympic and World Championship medals. 

However, Simone, who is considered the most accomplished gymnast of all time, withdrew from the 2020 Tokyo Olympics Team gymnastics competition due to a mental health problem. 

She withdrew from the competition after discovering she was not mentally capable of competing.

Following Simone's withdrawal from the Women's All-around Gymnastics Final at the Tokyo Olympics, mental health advocates praised the world's best gymnast for putting her health first.

Keep scrolling to find out how Simone dealt with her mental health struggles. 

Simone Puts Her Pride Aside

The decision to pull out of the competition was humbling for someone like Simone, who is regarded as the greatest of all time in gymnastics. Simone admitted that she had to put her pride aside and focus on her mental wellness. 

"I have to put my pride aside. I have to do what's right for me and focus on my mental health and not jeopardize my health and well-being. That's why I decided to take a step back," she said.It's Okay To Ask For Help 

Simone revealed that it was okay to ask for help when going through mental health problems. 

"I've learned it's okay to ask for help if you need it," she said.

She also admitted that she was first skeptical about therapy.

"One of the very first sessions, I didn't talk at all. I just wouldn't say anything. I was like, 'I'm not crazy. I don't need to be here," she told Glamour. 

However, the Olympic gymnast found solace in her therapist over time and realized that receiving mental health help is beneficial to anyone.

Simone Loves Having Fun

Biles took a break after the 2016 Olympics for the first time in her career.

"I lived, I traveled, I did things I couldn't do because of gymnastics. I just had fun," the gymnast said. 

Undoubtedly, indulging in fun activities is an antidote for mental health issues. 

Simone Strikes A Balance

Biles has spent the last year establishing some equilibrium in a life that had previously been about the work.

"Before I would only focus on the gym," she said. "But me being happy outside the gym is just as important as me being happy and doing well in the gym. Now it's like everything's coming together," she told Glamour.

Simone's decision to withdraw from the 2020 Tokyo Olympics team gymnastics competition due to her mental unwellness was a source of inspiration to other gymnasts. As a result, many now realize that it is better to prioritize their health and well-being.

The Inquisitr


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