Joe Biden Approval Rating Hits 61 Percent In New Poll

President Joe Biden has been in office for nearly 100 days and his approval rating is still holding steady, according to a new The Hill-HarrisX poll.

The poll — which was conducted online among 2,881 registered voters and has a margin of error of 1.8 percentage points — found that most voters approve of Biden’s performance in office and, in particular, his handling of the coronavirus pandemic

Sixty one percent of respondents in the survey said they approve of the job Biden is doing as president, while 39 percent said the opposite.


After beating former President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election, Biden promised to make tackling the coronavirus pandemic his administration’s number one priority.

The poll suggests that the president has done a good job, with 68 percent of respondents saying they approve of his performance in this regard and only 32 percent disagreeing.

“Voters wanted President Biden to focus mainly on covid relief and vaccinations in his first 100 days in office and he has delivered on both fronts, leading to a high approval of 61 percent that’s also been fairly steady over the last month,” explained chief pollster and CEO at HarrisX Dritan Nesho.

Economy, Immigration

Though most apparently believe Biden is doing a great job tackling the coronavirus pandemic, his approval rating is smaller in other areas.

Sixty percent of respondents said they approve of Biden’s handling of the economy, while 59 percent praised him for stimulating jobs.

The president received low marks on immigration, with 49 percent expressing support for his administration’s policies.

According to Nesho, “Biden’s handling of the immigration crisis, where he’s viewed lot more critically, has also failed to hurt the president’s overall approval rating, suggesting that immigration is not a salient issue yet for voters and the GOP has struggled to make it such.”


After his first three month’s in the White House, Biden’s approval rating is higher than Trump’s and former President Bill Clinton’s were at this point in their presidencies, according to a report from Fortune.

However, Biden’s overall approval rating is lower than the approval ratings of former Presidents Barack Obama,  George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan.

As the publication noted, if Biden manages to hold on to his current approval rating he will have a good chance at beating his Republican opponent and winning reelection in 2024. 


Other recent polling also suggests that Americans view Biden’s response to the coronavirus pandemic positively, but have some reservations about his immigration and economic policies.

In the latest Pew Research Center poll, for instance, most Americans said they approve of the Biden’s rollout of COVID-19 vaccines and expressed support for his economic relief law.

In the same poll, 64 percent of respondents said they like how Biden conducts himself, while 44 percent said he changed the tone of the political debate for the better. 

The Inquisitr


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