Kaley Cuoco A ‘Hard Worker’ In Mesh Top Workout

Kaley Cuoco is getting called a real “hard worker” as a motivational workout photo of the sitcom star makes the rounds on Instagram. On Wednesday, the 35-year-old actress finally had her home workout routines shared by trainer Ryan Sorensen, with The Today Show doing the honors as it both shared a photo of The Big Bang Theory alum and let fans know how she keeps in such insane shape. Kaley might train from her $ 12 million Hidden Hills home, but her workout is now available in any regular household. Check it out below.

Stuns In Quarantine Workout

Scroll for the photo and more of Kaley working out. The easy-going blonde, who has made headlines this year for hilariously jump-squatting on a Canada apartment bed as her quarantine left her without a gym, had been photographed mid-training. 

Kaley, wearing a black tee and loose white Nike Air Jordan tank, had entered beast mode in this workout, one that made headlines earlier this month as the girl behind Penny even rope-trained to bulge up her biceps. See it after the video below.

Power Mode

Kaley, who has been making headlines for not working out solo and including 32-year-old sister and The Flight Attendant co-star Briana Cuoco in her workouts, now sees trainer Ryan revealing all.

“Kaley’s favorite workouts are the ones that challenge her. Like if she has a hard time doing something at first, she’ll want to do that exercise every single time until she gets it,” he said.

“She was like, ‘I’m gonna keep at this until I get it right.’ That’s just how she works.”


See The Photo Below!

Turns out, it’s cardio-heavy for Kaley, who has been seen biking via popular brand SoulCycle’s equipment while sister Bri ran on the treadmill. “We stay away from a lot of weight training. For Kaley, it’s about staying toned and and not building a ton of muscle,” Sorensen added.

Kaley’s workouts are 50% cardio, 25% lower body strength and 25% full body strength. The actress, who is also an equestrian and former amateur and nationally-ranked tennis player, even made headlines last year for jumping rope for 100 seconds straight. Scroll for more photos.

A ‘Hard Worker’

The photo, shared to Instagram, now sees fans commenting. “KC, an incredibly hard worker!” one fan wrote, although feedback hasn’t always been positive. In 2020, Kaley wound up in a mask-shaming storm as she worked out while in a mask and indoors, with fans lashing out as they claimed wearing a face covering inside was a health risk. Kaley clapped back.

Kaley continues to make headlines for seeing her career shift from comedy to thriller, with HBO Max series The Flight Attendant now renewed for a second season.

The Inquisitr


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