Mike Lindell Blasts Fox News Over ‘Censorship’

My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell delivers a speech.

My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell has made it clear he will stop at nothing to have Donald Trump reinstated as President of the United States.

Lindell recently launched his own social media platform called Frank Speech, in an apparent effort to counter Big Tech and create a space for Trump supporters and QAnon followers to congregate online.

In a new interview, the pillow magnate said that Fox News is refusing to advertise his platform, and accused the conservative-leaning network of censorship.

Here’s what he said.

Big Tech

Speaking on Newsmax, Lindell alleged that tech giants are conspiring to censor conservative voices.

"Where does it end with the censorship?" Lindell asked, telling host Chris Salcedo that "we have [Twitter CEO] Jack Dorsey and [Facebook CEO] Mark Zuckerberg and what those guys have done in Google. … These guys have exposed themselves."

"We’re not going to let them stop us from hearing our voice, and that’s why you have great platforms being built. It’s like the perfect timing in history," he added.

New Platforms

Lindell said that conservative businessmen are working hard on developing new platforms, where Americans will actually have a right to express themselves.

"You have all these people that were censored on YouTube and Vimeo and those places where they relied on that for their income and Facebook. And Twitter," he continued.

The pillow magnate noted that those who have been purged from mainstream platforms can now join Frank Speech and talk about whatever they want.

"Not only what they want to talk about, but … they don’t have to worry about losing that platform," he said.

Lindell Slams Fox News

Lindell then slammed Fox News for apparently refusing to advertise Frank Speech.

"But shame on Fox. I can’t say that enough: Shame on Fox. They won’t even give me an ad to advertise coming over to Frank Speech," he said.

"Fox shouldn’t even be a weather channel because if they were, I would be afraid they wouldn’t report an oncoming storm. They have all these restrictions of what they let people talk about. And that’s what’s hurting our country, when journalists can’t be journalists and all this censorship going on. It’s just disgusting."

Lindell Vs. Media

My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell delivers remarks.

In February, Lindell released a documentary that was meant to prove the 2020 election was rigged for Democrat Joe Biden.

Most media companies have dismissed Lindell’s claims as baseless conspiracy theories, but One America News Network (OANN) actually agreed to air the two-hour special.

As reported by Vox, prior to airing the documentary, the network issued a lengthy disclaimer, disclosing that Lindell purchased the airtime for the broadcast and that it does not "adopt or endorse" any of his outlandish theories.

The Inquisitr


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