Sierra Skye Sizzles In Lacy Lingerie & Garter Belt Set: ‘Forever’

Sierra 'Skye' Egan attends a swimwear event in Los Angeles

Sierra Skye teased her 4.1 million Instagram followers with a sexy snapshot on Tuesday afternoon. She flashed her flawless figure in a titillating lingerie set and people could hardly contain their enthusiasm for the look.

The blonde bombshell noted that she was wearing garments from the Lounge Underwear brand. She chose their “Nicola Scarlett” pieces that beautifully contrasted with her bronzed skin.

The set consisted of an ivory bra that was covered in scarlet threaded details. Rose-gold clips were incorporated into the pieces along with scalloped edging. Matching thong panties utilized the same styling details and a garter belt completed the alluring ensemble.

Sierra posed in the living room for this shot. There was minimal lighting utilized, which gave the beauty the opportunity to truly shine.

She appeared to rest a knee on a couch cushion as she braced herself with one hand against the frame. She looked off to the side as she cocked a hip and rested her free fingers along her cheek.

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The Inquisitr


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