Warner Bros. Addresses Ruby Rose’s Abuse Allegations Against ‘Batwoman’ Co-Star

Warner Bros. is speaking out in defense of actor Dougray Scott.

After actress Ruby Rose took to her Instagram page, where she shared a slew of allegations against Scott, claiming he was abusive to a number of women on the set of Batwoman and suggesting her attempts to intervene were shut down, the studio released a statement, shutting down Rose’s accusations against Scott and revealing that Rose was actually fired from the production due to her own reported bad behavior on set.

Rose Claims Scott Hurt A Female Stunt Double

In a statement to her 17.6 million followers, Ruby made shocking accusations against her former Batman co-star.

“Dougray hurt a female stunt double, he yelled like a little b-tch at women and was a nightmare. He left when he wanted and arrived when he wanted. He abused women and in turn as a lead of a show I sent an email asking for a non-yelling policy. They declined,” she shared.

But according to Warner Bros., that was not the case at all.

Warner Bros. Condemns Ruby Rose's Statements

"We condemn the comments made by Rose about Scott," the studio told the New York Post on October 25. “Warner Bros. has found Mr. Scott to be a consummate professional, and never received any allegation against him of bullying, or of abusive behavior on his part. Mr. Scott was greatly respected and admired by his colleagues, and was a leader on the set.”

According to Warner Bros., they opted against renewing Rose’s contract to appear in Batwoman due to her own antics.

Allegedly 'Multiple Complaints' Against Rose

According to the studio, they were the ones who decided to cut ties with Rose.

“Warner Bros. Television did not pick up Ruby Rose’s option for an additional season because of multiple complaints about workplace behavior that were extensively reviewed by the Studio,” they explained.

The studio went on to say that Rose’s initial claims against Scott were “revisionist history" as numerous insiders told the Post that the actor and his family were having a hard time coping with Rose’s upsetting claims.

Dougray Scott Spoke Out Against Abuse Claims

In a statement of his own, Scott defended himself against Rose’s allegations.

In a statement to The Wrap last week, on October 22, Scott said, “As Warner Bros. Television has stated, they decided not to exercise the option to engage Ruby for Season 2 of ‘Batwoman’ based on multiple complaints about her workplace behavior."

“I absolutely and completely refute the defamatory and damaging claims made against me by her; they are entirely made up and never happened,” he continued in the statement.

The Inquisitr


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